Welcome to Penn State!
New Student Orientation aims to provide you and your family with programs and services that support your successful academic, social, and personal transition to, and through, the University. Let's get started!
New Student Orientation (Summer and Fall Admits)
The New Student Orientation (NSO) program is required for all first-year students to attend. The program is your introduction to Penn State University and the Lehigh Valley campus.
Lehigh Valley's NSO program is a 3-part program. First you will attend the in-person New Student Orientation program. NSO is a half-day in-person program with specific dates throughout the summer. Reservations will be available in early April.
During NSO you will sign-up for the second part of the NSO program, a virtual advising appointment. During this appointment your summer orientation adviser will go over your academic goals in more detail, cover your course placements, and help you create your fall schedule.
Lastly you will attend New Student Welcome in August. This student-only program helps students gain peer connections and go over helpful information for new students right before they start the fall semester.
New Student Orientation (Spring Admits)
The Virtual New Student Orientation (NSO) program is required for all first-year students to attend. The program is your introduction to Penn State University and the Lehigh Valley campus. NSO for the spring will be a virtual program that includes a university welcome, academic overview, and specific campus information. Reservations will be available in early November.
During NSO you will sign-up for the second part of the NSO program, a virtual advising appointment. During this appointment your orientation adviser will go over your academic goals in more detail, cover your course placements and help you create your spring schedule.
International Students
The International New Student Orientation (NSO) program is required for all international students to attend. The program is your introduction to Penn State University and the Lehigh Valley campus.
For summer and fall admits, International NSO will take place in-person right before the fall semester begins in August. Summer and fall admitted international students will receive an email once they are accepted to the university to schedule a meeting with an adviser to go over your academic goals in more detail, cover your course placements and help you create your schedule. This meeting will take place prior to International NSO.
Summer and fall admitted international students are invited to attend New Student Welcome in August. This in-person student-only program helps students gain peer connections and go over helpful information for new students right before they start the semester.
For spring admitted international students, NSO will be delivered virtually. During NSO you will sign-up for the second part of the NSO program, a virtual advising appointment. During this appointment your orientation adviser will go over your academic goals in more detail, cover your course placements, and help you create your spring schedule.
Transfer Students
Transfer Students are encouraged, but not required, to attend New Student Orientation (NSO). For summer and fall admits, Transfer NSO will take place in-person right before the fall semester begins in August. Transfer NSO will be held virtually for spring admits.
Transfer students will receive an email once they are accepted to the university to schedule a meeting with an adviser to review their transfer courses and schedule their courses.
Summer and fall admitted transfer students are invited to attend New Student Welcome in August. This in-person student-only program helps students gain peer connections and go over helpful information for new students right before they start the semester.
Placement Tests
Many students will be required to complete the ALEKS Math Assessment. Details on how and when to complete these items will be available on your Pre-Orientation Task List. Students should complete these items at least 24 hours before their scheduled NSO date. Failing to do so may result in students not being able to enroll in classes.
Please note that your test scores do not in any way affect your offer of admission. The results will be used during your advising appointment to assist your summer adviser in selecting appropriate courses. While Penn State does not encourage you to study for the placement tests, you should do your best since your scores will help to determine appropriate starting points for your first-year coursework.
Questions about the placement tests can be directed to the Advising, Career and Student Success Center at l[email protected] or 610-285-5075 or visiting ALEKS Math Assessment. For technical difficulties, call ALEKS Support at 800-258-2374 or visit ALEKS Support.
New Student Orientation Contact
If you cannot attend or miss your scheduled NSO date, please reschedule your date online or contact the Academic Advising and Career Strategy Office at 610-285-5075 to select a new date.
Please visit orientation.gener8co.com/nso for the latest information or contact the Academic Advising and Career Strategy Office at 610-285-5075 or [email protected].
Additional Information
Still have questions about getting started at Penn State Lehigh Valley? Please feel free to reach out to the parties below and they will assist you.
Admission, PA residency, or for a change in your offer/campus of admission:
Michael Damweber
610-285-5035, then 2
[email protected]
Student Aid & Veterans Coordinator, Financial Aid:
Scott Semerod
[email protected]
Administrative Support Assistant, Enrollment:
Maria McKee
610-285-5035, then 4
[email protected]
Undergraduate students interested in receiving credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Exams should arrange for their official grade reports to be sent directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to Penn State. Penn State's ETS code is 2660. Additional information can be found by visiting the Credit from AP exams website. You must earn a C or better for credits to be transferred. The credits are added to your Penn State Transcript, but the grades are not transferred and will not affect your PSU cumulative GPA.
For Dual Enrollment credits, please send official transcripts from the college awarding credits to:
Penn State University
Undergraduate Admissions
201 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802